JH/HS Band Parade Performance Info.

Parade and Performance Schedule

August 31st- Billings Community Fair Parade

Sept. 28th- Stockton Black Walnut Festival Parade

Oct. 5th- Pleasant Hope Pirate Power Classic Competition

Nov. 2nd- Willard Veteran's Parade

Nov. 5th- HS District Band Auditions- Parkview/Springfield

Nov. 16th- JH District Honor Band- place TBA

Dec. 6th- Elementary Christmas program

Dec. 7th- Republic Christmas Parade- Afternoon

Dec. 7th- Crane Christmas Parade- Evening

Dec. 13th- JH/HS Choir and Band Concert

April 17th- Spring Choir and Band Concert- 5th-12th grade

Details will be sent out on sportsYou closer to the performance/competition dates. Where applicable, students will also be able to access paper copies.

If any dates change, ample notice will be given, and sportsYou/paper notes will be sent out.

Meet Ms. Waldo

This school year is my 26th year teaching music in public schools. I have previously taught in Mansfield, Reeds Spring, and Greenfield (my HS Alma Mater) before coming to Billings. This is my 12th year teaching in Billings. I teach JH/HS Choir, JH/HS Band, and Beginning Band and facilitate our online room 3 hours a day.

I received my bachelor's degree in music education from Drury and my Masters in Music Education is from Boston University. I also currently teach Dual Credit for Drury.

Currently, when I am not completely ensconced in all things music and/or education, I can be found working on a remodel job of a 1940's-ish oval metal barn (see the pictures below). My father and I have taken on the project to turn it into my home. We are hoping to be finished sometime in the early/late fall. We originally had hoped for this past school year but had a few setbacks along the way. We have been working on the weekends for almost 5 YEARS!!!😂

Barn inside

Barn outside